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Crescent & Craft


Regular price $25.00 USD
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Brigid is the Celtic goddess of fire, poetry, the hearth, and fertility. She promotes vitality through the lands and represents the maiden aspect of the triple goddess. Brigid is particularly associated with the first stirrings of spring as the days begin to lengthen, the snowdrops slowly stretch out among the soil, and the ewes begin to lactate.

Evoke Brigid to spark creativity and inspiration in poetry or the arts. Some attribute her as a solar deity, and rules over all skills and craft to do with the flame. This being said, she is great to work with if you are a blade smith or craft with metal in any way. She is sometimes known to be the goddess of divination and prophecy too.

Because these candles drip so easily, it's the perfect time to practice some candle divination, also known as Carromancy. Watch how the candle burns. Do you see figures in the wax? Do the flames flicker, grow tall, or hiss? Is there a certain direction in the way the wax is melting? These ritual candles may hold more secrets than you know.

Ιͺᴛᴇᴍ ᴅᴇsα΄„Κ€Ιͺα΄˜α΄›Ιͺᴏɴ: 6 inch taper candles rolled in local herbs associated with Brigid such as coltsfoot, mugwort, cedar, and chamomile. They are sold in pairs of 2.

πˆπŒππŽπ‘π“π€ππ“: These candles melt beautifully and are safe to burn indoors, however, PLEASE be wary of the flame. The more herbs, the bigger and taller the flame will be. Always supervise your candles while burning. These candles have very burnable botanicals. Some herbs may crackle when caught on fire, such as cedar and juniper.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Samantha Borek
This candle aided a sign from Brigid herself

Loved these candles. My patron saint is St Brigid and I find so few things commemorating her for my altar. I actually didn’t have any altar until this year. These made beautiful additions to my Imbolg ice lantern. This was my first time lighting a candle for her to pray. I had just gotten the delivery notification in the mail and I was compelled to light one and pray. Amid all the political chaos (my wife and I are supposed to go to Ireland soon but our passports are stalled) I lit the candle and made a vow to her that I knew she was guiding me for a reason and if she could show me everything would work out I would go to her well. I watched the flames for awhile and decided I would do a situation/outcome reading (another thing I’ve neglected in my practice lately). I was stunned when I pulled the reverse page of Wands, reverse 7 pentacles and an upright 9 of pentacles. I hadn’t quite ever had a reading strike so true or feel so guided by intention before. This is not to say I think the candles alone did this, but I do think the craft in them and my own spiritual awakening at this moment have opened my eyes and heart to refreshing a practice I’d long neglected